Monday, April 13, 2009

It is now critical to have a trusted and well-informed professional, career consultant close at hand.

Whether you are employed, unemployed or contemplating a career change, we can advise you on such issues as resume preparation and interview techniques. However, our primary mission will be to present and analyze attitudes, approaches, insights, and macro socio-cultural and economic trends, which affect you and your career. Our emphasis will be on the software and IT career environments. In addition, we will touch upon all fields and levels of employment.

By offering you differing perspectives on career development issues, it is our intention in future posts to provide you with valuable insights and tools to optimize both your career and life situation. For example: we will help you to cope with the stress and sadness that often accompanies job loss. Moreover, we will assist you in both accelerating your reemployment process, and in making the most beneficial, new job decision. Our expectation is that this will maximize your career development and lead you to a true "Career Renaissance."

We possess over twenty years of experience in career placement; mostly in the IT and engineering fields. We also bring to you an expansive and varied background in Human Resources, psychology, socio-cultural scholarship (e.g. at Harvard University and the University of Chicago, et al) and, most recently, in career and life coaching. Through our extensive experience, we are uniquely qualified to offer you advice and support to realize your career and life goals.


Michael Jay Sullivan